Monday, February 21, 2011

A little bit of history (part I)

As I promised here are some of my life in SL in pics.. you will notice my changes and what I have been doing there. I have more than 200 pics so got a few to show you!!!. When I was looking my old pictures thought that my life in SL has been funny and full of nice things... and bad things too but dont want to talk about them, just the good ones!!.

My first picture in SL and it was in my profile for 3 months!!. Yes.. I was blonde for a long time. I got that hair at dungeons. That place still exists. =)

Dancing with Keren in I dont know what club. She was my friend since she has left SL.

The newbie style. Keren took me this pic because I said I had my two boots on and she was insisting that I had not. Look the hair... uuugghhh.. LOL. 

At Linden Village with Keren. I used that place for a long time. Look my boots, I have been short since then!. 

In a party with a few friends. We were bored and Georgie and me are wearing our fatty shapes!. Hahah.. we had lots of fun!!. 

As a kittie. All my clothes were freebies and thought that I look cute.. yeah .. old times!. 

At Nancy's Blake dancing irish music. I can recognize Petra dancing at my right. Look my camo pants. Yes, yes, I used to kill people in a war sim but honestly I was the one who was killed always!.. prrff. 

Yeah.. When this pic was taken I was jumping as a rocker girl in the stage.. lol.

Ugly... uggghhh. 

My first hat. I used it two days ago while I was checking my inventory .. It is really huge.. 

My firts experiment jumping from 4000 m without parachute. I love this pic. Do not ask me how I stop the jump!.

Sweety =).

My first bridge. It was huge and took me like 60 prims. Look my style... horrible!. 

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