Tuesday, February 8, 2011

About Art

Yesterday while I was playing my guitar, please do not think I am good, been thinking about how art shows different point of views and perceptions of this life. All of us know the main arts known in the world such as painting, literature, music or dance and each of them is product of intelligence and imagination helped with the skills of the artist.

One day a guy who showed me the deep of his ignorance told me this: what is the Mona Lisa but a girl painted on a canva?. I was sure of it, it is obvious that is a girl and she is painted on a canva!! but is it all that you can see on that portrait? a girl painted? or why many people have dedicated pages and pages to that paint?. What I want to say now is: if you are ignorant you will never understand the art!. Of course that you could say that art has to impact our senses and to be ignorant or not has nothing to do with it. I agree with this in some way but I am convinced that intelligence and a better human formation allow us to perceive the art in really better way. Let me try to explain why and I will do it step by step. The way that we get concepts comes from reality, the things we know and touch pass from our senses but after that we got a universal concept like pen, chair, dog, etc. Concepts have their own name and allow us to get phrases like 'the dog is white' so as you can see we have three concepts here: dog, white and the verb to be (is). When we talk with people about something means that you have concepts on your mind - some dont! lol- , of course they could be good or wrong but they ARE concepts!!. As long as we are getting concepts the next step is to get judgements like 'all humans think' 'to be alive allows you to run' 'if humans are alive they can run'. You can notice all the concepts there but I wont stop on them but in the thing I want to express: if you have more concepts you can do more judgements!!.

Literature helps to eveyone to get more concepts, will let us understand in a better way our lifes and what is happening in our world. It opens our minds! wow!!. Who does not like to chat with a friend of everything and at the end to say: wow we have a nice chat?. While we have more ideas, while we know about things we can say it with more pleasure. Nothing is more dangerous than an ignorant with ideas and initiative!!.

According with the dictionary art could be defined like this:

The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculptureproducing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

I agree with this definition in some way but not in all because this idea express only skills and imagination but not intelligence and knowladge. Michael Angelo has painted the Sistine Chapel, has built sculptures with great detail and proportions and I am really conviced that he could not do it with out knowladge of what to express or with a deep knowladge of human body. If want to appreciate an art work we NEED to UNDERSTAND what had the artist on his soul, in his mind but if we are lack of words or concepts we will be lost for sure and we would say the same stupid thing that this guy said: The Mona Lisa is just a girl painted.

I have many thoughts about art specially music but I do believe if you are still reading this you could be sleeping by now!!. I just would like to give one more idea: in sl we can find a lot of art expressions BUT not all that people sell is really art. Remember:

Art gives us another perception of our lives and can touches our hearts and souls but if you love to fill 
your mind with deep thoughts you will appreciate it more than with an empty brain.


PS. All quotes were thought by me so I am open to new ideas or to be corrected if they are wrong!.

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