Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Thoughts come, thoughts go. I have been talking with a good friend how to be happy or how come happiness to your life. The first thing that I have in my mind is that everyone in this world wants to be happy and give me any example and we will find that in the deep of every behavior that they are looking for it. I am sure that most of us have got an e-mail saying how to get happiness but I dont think it is a question of a power point presentation, although I should admit that can help with some attitudes. What I do believe is that this feeling comes from the deepest or our soul and reflects how we live this life.

 Many people think that to have and to get things like cars, houses, cd's, xboxes, etc, will make me happier than others that have less, but my question is: are they really happy? If they are why then we dont feel comfortable with some people?, why do they commit crimes?. I dont want to say that people who have nothing are happier, no, far away from that, what i want to say is that material things do not fill our hearts because this feeling is not a material thing but spiritual. 

When I go patying to SL i hear many jokes and hahaha's but do not mean people is happy, they mean that  we are having a good time only. This feeling is more profound it comes as a result of our own lifes, if we do good we feel good for a long time, when we are bad this feeling goes away, if we help and think in others not only we'll be better but happier. Everything that makes us better changes my perspective of this life and we become more mature and happier. Let me give you a very simple example but I think will help. When we do nothing but watch tv during the whole day at the end of this one we dont feel so good, we became lazy and lack of emotions but if we work hard, if at the end of the day I feel tired becuase I have finsihed my duties WELL done  we, indeed, are happy and we got a nice sensation of peace. 

Think about it =))

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