This post is not about SL but RL. My brother has given me a new kitty after my last one has died. This little ball of hair is cute and lovely, it is making my days!!.. I'm uploading some pics of him.. his name is Mani!..
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
A little bit of history (part I)
As I promised here are some of my life in SL in pics.. you will notice my changes and what I have been doing there. I have more than 200 pics so got a few to show you!!!. When I was looking my old pictures thought that my life in SL has been funny and full of nice things... and bad things too but dont want to talk about them, just the good ones!!.
My first picture in SL and it was in my profile for 3 months!!. Yes.. I was blonde for a long time. I got that hair at dungeons. That place still exists. =)
Dancing with Keren in I dont know what club. She was my friend since she has left SL.
The newbie style. Keren took me this pic because I said I had my two boots on and she was insisting that I had not. Look the hair... uuugghhh.. LOL.
At Linden Village with Keren. I used that place for a long time. Look my boots, I have been short since then!.
In a party with a few friends. We were bored and Georgie and me are wearing our fatty shapes!. Hahah.. we had lots of fun!!.
As a kittie. All my clothes were freebies and thought that I look cute.. yeah .. old times!.
At Nancy's Blake dancing irish music. I can recognize Petra dancing at my right. Look my camo pants. Yes, yes, I used to kill people in a war sim but honestly I was the one who was killed always!.. prrff.
Yeah.. When this pic was taken I was jumping as a rocker girl in the stage.. lol.
Ugly... uggghhh.
My first hat. I used it two days ago while I was checking my inventory .. It is really huge..
My firts experiment jumping from 4000 m without parachute. I love this pic. Do not ask me how I stop the jump!.
Sweety =).
My first bridge. It was huge and took me like 60 prims. Look my style... horrible!.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Changes in SL
Yesterday went to see palms to different shops in SL and I am really impressed how things are getting better and better. These palms are so well done, so real, texturized, in one word: they look wonderful!. It happens the same with hairs, clothes, shoes, etc. Even some freebies are really good when in the past all of them had bad textures.
When I came for the first time to Second Life everything looked great but obviously it was my first time walking around in this game and I was impressed so easy. After a while all was ok in my viewer and learned how to build and texturize but now with the new techniques in building, animations, textures, etc, I could say that SL is not the same as I have known it almost 3 years ago!!. It is like in RL: if you dont keep you updated you are lost!.
I will upload pictures since I was new and three years later and you will notice how an avi can change =).
Take care everyone!!
When I came for the first time to Second Life everything looked great but obviously it was my first time walking around in this game and I was impressed so easy. After a while all was ok in my viewer and learned how to build and texturize but now with the new techniques in building, animations, textures, etc, I could say that SL is not the same as I have known it almost 3 years ago!!. It is like in RL: if you dont keep you updated you are lost!.
I will upload pictures since I was new and three years later and you will notice how an avi can change =).
Take care everyone!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Finally I am coming back home today, and yes, I miss my bed!!. Since I have spanish and english speakers as friends I will write in both languages the same post YAY!. I can't write more right now because Im going to the Mall to buy clothes and shoes!!. See you later!.
Finalmente regreso a casa el día de hoy y claramente extraño mi cama!!. Es una realidad que tengo amigos de diferentes procedencias en el globo terráqueo así que desde estos momentos escribiré en inglés y español. Ahora mismo no puedo escribir mas porque voy de compras al Mall a comprar ropa y zapatos!! ..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Good Morning!!
I am waking up!! uggghhh... I just want to tell you that I will be out for a few days so probably you won't see me until sunday!!. Take care everyone!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Thoughts come, thoughts go. I have been talking with a good friend how to be happy or how come happiness to your life. The first thing that I have in my mind is that everyone in this world wants to be happy and give me any example and we will find that in the deep of every behavior that they are looking for it. I am sure that most of us have got an e-mail saying how to get happiness but I dont think it is a question of a power point presentation, although I should admit that can help with some attitudes. What I do believe is that this feeling comes from the deepest or our soul and reflects how we live this life.
Many people think that to have and to get things like cars, houses, cd's, xboxes, etc, will make me happier than others that have less, but my question is: are they really happy? If they are why then we dont feel comfortable with some people?, why do they commit crimes?. I dont want to say that people who have nothing are happier, no, far away from that, what i want to say is that material things do not fill our hearts because this feeling is not a material thing but spiritual.
When I go patying to SL i hear many jokes and hahaha's but do not mean people is happy, they mean that we are having a good time only. This feeling is more profound it comes as a result of our own lifes, if we do good we feel good for a long time, when we are bad this feeling goes away, if we help and think in others not only we'll be better but happier. Everything that makes us better changes my perspective of this life and we become more mature and happier. Let me give you a very simple example but I think will help. When we do nothing but watch tv during the whole day at the end of this one we dont feel so good, we became lazy and lack of emotions but if we work hard, if at the end of the day I feel tired becuase I have finsihed my duties WELL done we, indeed, are happy and we got a nice sensation of peace.
Think about it =))
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
About Art
Yesterday while I was playing my guitar, please do not think I am good, been thinking about how art shows different point of views and perceptions of this life. All of us know the main arts known in the world such as painting, literature, music or dance and each of them is product of intelligence and imagination helped with the skills of the artist.
One day a guy who showed me the deep of his ignorance told me this: what is the Mona Lisa but a girl painted on a canva?. I was sure of it, it is obvious that is a girl and she is painted on a canva!! but is it all that you can see on that portrait? a girl painted? or why many people have dedicated pages and pages to that paint?. What I want to say now is: if you are ignorant you will never understand the art!. Of course that you could say that art has to impact our senses and to be ignorant or not has nothing to do with it. I agree with this in some way but I am convinced that intelligence and a better human formation allow us to perceive the art in really better way. Let me try to explain why and I will do it step by step. The way that we get concepts comes from reality, the things we know and touch pass from our senses but after that we got a universal concept like pen, chair, dog, etc. Concepts have their own name and allow us to get phrases like 'the dog is white' so as you can see we have three concepts here: dog, white and the verb to be (is). When we talk with people about something means that you have concepts on your mind - some dont! lol- , of course they could be good or wrong but they ARE concepts!!. As long as we are getting concepts the next step is to get judgements like 'all humans think' 'to be alive allows you to run' 'if humans are alive they can run'. You can notice all the concepts there but I wont stop on them but in the thing I want to express: if you have more concepts you can do more judgements!!.
Literature helps to eveyone to get more concepts, will let us understand in a better way our lifes and what is happening in our world. It opens our minds! wow!!. Who does not like to chat with a friend of everything and at the end to say: wow we have a nice chat?. While we have more ideas, while we know about things we can say it with more pleasure. Nothing is more dangerous than an ignorant with ideas and initiative!!.
According with the dictionary art could be defined like this:
The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
I agree with this definition in some way but not in all because this idea express only skills and imagination but not intelligence and knowladge. Michael Angelo has painted the Sistine Chapel, has built sculptures with great detail and proportions and I am really conviced that he could not do it with out knowladge of what to express or with a deep knowladge of human body. If want to appreciate an art work we NEED to UNDERSTAND what had the artist on his soul, in his mind but if we are lack of words or concepts we will be lost for sure and we would say the same stupid thing that this guy said: The Mona Lisa is just a girl painted.
I have many thoughts about art specially music but I do believe if you are still reading this you could be sleeping by now!!. I just would like to give one more idea: in sl we can find a lot of art expressions BUT not all that people sell is really art. Remember:
Art gives us another perception of our lives and can touches our hearts and souls but if you love to fill
your mind with deep thoughts you will appreciate it more than with an empty brain.
PS. All quotes were thought by me so I am open to new ideas or to be corrected if they are wrong!.
One day a guy who showed me the deep of his ignorance told me this: what is the Mona Lisa but a girl painted on a canva?. I was sure of it, it is obvious that is a girl and she is painted on a canva!! but is it all that you can see on that portrait? a girl painted? or why many people have dedicated pages and pages to that paint?. What I want to say now is: if you are ignorant you will never understand the art!. Of course that you could say that art has to impact our senses and to be ignorant or not has nothing to do with it. I agree with this in some way but I am convinced that intelligence and a better human formation allow us to perceive the art in really better way. Let me try to explain why and I will do it step by step. The way that we get concepts comes from reality, the things we know and touch pass from our senses but after that we got a universal concept like pen, chair, dog, etc. Concepts have their own name and allow us to get phrases like 'the dog is white' so as you can see we have three concepts here: dog, white and the verb to be (is). When we talk with people about something means that you have concepts on your mind - some dont! lol- , of course they could be good or wrong but they ARE concepts!!. As long as we are getting concepts the next step is to get judgements like 'all humans think' 'to be alive allows you to run' 'if humans are alive they can run'. You can notice all the concepts there but I wont stop on them but in the thing I want to express: if you have more concepts you can do more judgements!!.
Literature helps to eveyone to get more concepts, will let us understand in a better way our lifes and what is happening in our world. It opens our minds! wow!!. Who does not like to chat with a friend of everything and at the end to say: wow we have a nice chat?. While we have more ideas, while we know about things we can say it with more pleasure. Nothing is more dangerous than an ignorant with ideas and initiative!!.
According with the dictionary art could be defined like this:
The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
I agree with this definition in some way but not in all because this idea express only skills and imagination but not intelligence and knowladge. Michael Angelo has painted the Sistine Chapel, has built sculptures with great detail and proportions and I am really conviced that he could not do it with out knowladge of what to express or with a deep knowladge of human body. If want to appreciate an art work we NEED to UNDERSTAND what had the artist on his soul, in his mind but if we are lack of words or concepts we will be lost for sure and we would say the same stupid thing that this guy said: The Mona Lisa is just a girl painted.
I have many thoughts about art specially music but I do believe if you are still reading this you could be sleeping by now!!. I just would like to give one more idea: in sl we can find a lot of art expressions BUT not all that people sell is really art. Remember:
Art gives us another perception of our lives and can touches our hearts and souls but if you love to fill
your mind with deep thoughts you will appreciate it more than with an empty brain.
PS. All quotes were thought by me so I am open to new ideas or to be corrected if they are wrong!.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
A Birthday Party at Red River!!
Yesterday we have celebrated Cally's birthday!!. A week ago it was her real birthday but she and a couple of her friends have decided to give a party. Yes! we had two great dj's at Red River and all her friends around jumping and shouting. The ballroom has been decorated by Cally, Fuko and Sorndra with balloons, three wonderful cows (seats) and fireworks, I should say the place look so wonderful for a birthday party.
Ok, I need to go step by step, who is Cally? the quick answer could be: she is my best friend in SL. The short answer: She is one of the best girls I have ever met in SL. The long answer is (take a breathe and read!!):
Almost one year and half ago I have met her at Furo's when I went there to dance. We talked about shapes and skins because she knew I was doing that. After that I went to my vacations and determined to close my account in SL and no one knew this but Phoebe another good friend. Three weeks later Phoebe told Cally that I was leaving SL giving no reasons and she, on the contrary as you can expect from a person that you barely know, sent me an e-mail asking me the reasons and offering me her friendship. I said that I was going to log in only to help with her shape and skin and one year and half years later I am still on SL!!. Thanks to Cally.
It was not a too long answer uh? but it could be if I type all that she does in SL, yes, she displays a lot of energy in all things that she has on her hands but she owns something that many people wish: a heart of gold.
Thanks Cally for being there, I wish you had a happy birthday party yesterday.. You deserve it.
Hugs for you,
Ok, I need to go step by step, who is Cally? the quick answer could be: she is my best friend in SL. The short answer: She is one of the best girls I have ever met in SL. The long answer is (take a breathe and read!!):
Almost one year and half ago I have met her at Furo's when I went there to dance. We talked about shapes and skins because she knew I was doing that. After that I went to my vacations and determined to close my account in SL and no one knew this but Phoebe another good friend. Three weeks later Phoebe told Cally that I was leaving SL giving no reasons and she, on the contrary as you can expect from a person that you barely know, sent me an e-mail asking me the reasons and offering me her friendship. I said that I was going to log in only to help with her shape and skin and one year and half years later I am still on SL!!. Thanks to Cally.
It was not a too long answer uh? but it could be if I type all that she does in SL, yes, she displays a lot of energy in all things that she has on her hands but she owns something that many people wish: a heart of gold.
Thanks Cally for being there, I wish you had a happy birthday party yesterday.. You deserve it.
Hugs for you,
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Thursday after my trip!
Phew!! Danger!! I am back!!... while I was on the road yesterday I had a lot of time to think that my days this new year have been so busy. I have started a blog, been travelling in my real life, I am involved in a new buisness that I was not looking for!!, cheerleading as a member of the Red River Staff, RFL will start so soon and been building some new stuff, funny right? LOL.
Two days ago I have heard that fantasy is for fools because the can not live into the reality but I did not agree with that quote, I could be agree if that fantasy is only that and does not take you to anywhere. If you read my first paragraph again you can guess many things that are not really fantasy:
1) Interaction with many people
2) Creation
3) To give yourself to others
4) Help for a good cause
5) Care for others.
6) Friends!!!
Honestly I can not think I am doing nothing there!!. I have met many people and a few are good friends of mine, so I can not take that quote as a true!.
Two days ago I have heard that fantasy is for fools because the can not live into the reality but I did not agree with that quote, I could be agree if that fantasy is only that and does not take you to anywhere. If you read my first paragraph again you can guess many things that are not really fantasy:
1) Interaction with many people
2) Creation
3) To give yourself to others
4) Help for a good cause
5) Care for others.
6) Friends!!!
Honestly I can not think I am doing nothing there!!. I have met many people and a few are good friends of mine, so I can not take that quote as a true!.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Laveau Copperfield
I want to apologize to my 3 readers because I have not written so much in the last few days but I am in a trip and I come online for a few. Today I would like to introduce you with a friend of mine who is an excellent photographer and I do believe she deserves a space in my blog: Laveau Copperfield.
I have met her long time ago, about 1.5 years ago and we became friends so quick. I should say she is one of the funniest girls you can have in SL. We have shared lot of things together like to be mermaids, nekkos, builders, happiness and sadness and now she has invited me to be part of Beautiful Bodies. In the first days of our friendship we share to each other our knowladge of our own skills: she took my firsts art pic of myself and I helped her with her avatar. Right now she got prestige with her work and I'll show you a few pics of it!!.

She has been a mermaid for a long time... well she doesnt have a tail here!! lol.
Laveau and me as a nekkos!!!. I love this pic..
I have met her long time ago, about 1.5 years ago and we became friends so quick. I should say she is one of the funniest girls you can have in SL. We have shared lot of things together like to be mermaids, nekkos, builders, happiness and sadness and now she has invited me to be part of Beautiful Bodies. In the first days of our friendship we share to each other our knowladge of our own skills: she took my firsts art pic of myself and I helped her with her avatar. Right now she got prestige with her work and I'll show you a few pics of it!!.
This is Laveau

She has been a mermaid for a long time... well she doesnt have a tail here!! lol.
Laveau and me as a nekkos!!!. I love this pic..
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