Monday, May 9, 2011

Gov does nothing

Today I was reading the newspaper looking for some economical indicators but when I was doing that found an article talking about some murderers in my state. Before I continue with this idea I should say that the governor is spending a lot of money in police who go in groups around my city and you can see them stoping car drivers because they have not updated their car plates (the most absurd tax in my country). I am wondering why this goverment is not fighting in a effective way against criminals instead to be stopping people because of their plates.

I think it is absurd all this, pure bull%&$t into the political decisions. I support my president but governors do the same?. To see the police force doing this is like to want to kill mice when outside of your house is surrounded of wolfs!!. Please take care your house about the biggest danger instead the minor one.

I am so mad!!..


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