Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My comp is getting worst.. hopefully today I can get a solution!!!. After this release in my emotions lets talk about something more interesting =).

Yesterday I was talking with a friend from RL and she was asking me about how is SL, how it works, what people do, how do you get things, etc.. It is difficult for someone who never has been online to understand how is this world (sometimes there are people in SL and does not understand so much either!!). At the end of my long explanation I asked her if she understood something and answered me something like 'yes, hmm.. well more less' hahah .. I should say that I had no help when I started so it is understandable she got just a little bit. It is desirable that someone helps you there!!.

On the other hand, today is May 10th and we celebrate Mother's day. Last night I went with a bunch of friends to sing to our own mothers!. The custom is to go to the girl or mother's house and sing under their windows, they can be songs of love or something related about what you want to communicate, we call this custom  serenades. It is a wonderful thing when someone came and sing for you under your window, your feel happy, loved and you know that someone is thinking in you!!.

Well I shuld go back to work now .. see you soon!!!



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