Monday, January 24, 2011

A Monday Thought

Yesterday in the morning a two old year friend in SL (from Spain)  came online after to be out for a long of time. After the typical greetings and aaawwws we were talking about what we are doing in Second Life. I asked her why she was gone and the answer was: I think SL is so boring now. This answer made me think why people could be boring at SL and found a few reasons:

a) Because people spend a lot of time dancing and doing nothing else there.
b) They have no friends.
c) People that they have met is boring.
d) Spend a lot of time there doing nothing.

Probably there are more but please do not ask me too much at this hour of the day!!. What I have found out is that if you balance your activities in Second Life could be an interesting place like dancing, building, shopping, chatting with people, killing zombies (lol this was my favorite hobbie for sometime!), etc.

For many people is so important to have friends (I am included) but if you are not a nice person will happen the same as in real life: you will be alone again. Life is boring without friends, they are the salt of our lifes so if you pretend to go and live a life in SL being a perfect idiot ... you will leave it so soon.


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